The full cast is as follows: Matthew Mercer (Goro Majima), Samoa Joe (Raymond Law), Maya Tuttle (Noah Rich), Jeremy Brandt (Jason Rich), Brent Mukai (Maseru Fujita), James Kirkland (Taiga Saejima), ...
Gaming hardware has evolved significantly over the past few decades, with major advancements in both consoles and peripherals. This white paper traces the journ ...
Shoppers looking to add a new gaming controller to their collection can now grab the PowerA Nano Enhanced Wired controller ...
The Ultimate Mini is 20 percent smaller and 10 percent lighter than 8BitDo’s Ultimate C Xbox controller.
By Quentyn Kennemer, a writer who helps The Verge's readers save money by surfacing the best tech deals and presenting the ...
8BitDo has started taking pre-orders for the Ultimate Mini Wired Controller, a smaller and lighter version of its Ultimate C ...
The controller is compatible with several platforms including the Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Xbox One and computers running Windows 10 and 11. These controllers will probably work with any device ...
Invite your friends and family over and get ready to have some fun: here are the best party games available right now on Xbox ...
As the ninth generation enters mid-life, the rumour mill has started again on what new console hardware will look ...
Over the next eight days, Hardcore Gamer will be revealing its Best of 2024 Awards leading up to our Game of the Year. Today we present you with the Best PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch and Handheld ...
Built for precision, durability, and limitless customization, this controller is ready for every competitive gamer’s setup.