A discovery made by Mr. Mobile on YouTube highlighted an app called Launcher 10 that can turn an Android phone into a Windows ...
微软在一篇博客文章中详细介绍了这项新功能,并表示目前正在面向 Windows 预览体验计划的注册用户推出 Phone Link 应用的测试版本,其中就包含了这项 iPhone 与 PC 之间文件共享的新特性。Phone Link 是微软推出的一款 ...
Microsoft is now establishing file-sharing support between iPhones and its Windows 11 or Windows 10 PCs. Users will be able ...
微软近日为Windows 10及11的测试版用户带来了一项新福利,正式推出了针对iOS设备优化的Phone Link应用更新,实现了iPhone与Windows PC之间的文件共享功能。
微软最新推出适用于iOS设备的Phone Link应用,该应用可让用户在iPhone和Windows PC之间进行文件共享。为了使用这项新功能,用户需要满足一定的条件:其运行的iOS版本需高于16,并安装了版本号为1.24112.73或更高的“链接至Windows”应用;同时,Windows端的Phone ...
iPhone与Mac之间的互联功能可谓天衣无缝,但与Windows之间要发送文件之类总是有点麻烦。最近Microsoft就终于更新Phone Link App,改善了与iPhone的互动,变得更加实用。
Once you’re set-up, sharing a file from your iPhone to your PC is as simple as navigating to the file, tapping the share icon ...
A new Phone Link update that’s now rolling out across all Insider channels will let Windows 11 and Windows 10 users share ...
Microsoft has announced a new way to share content between Windows PCs and iPhones, making for a more seamless solution.
You'll no longer need a third-party app to send files easily between your Microsoft computer and Apple device.