PS5 vs PS5 Pro: what are the key differences between Sony's consoles, and which one should you buy, the PS5 or the PS5 Pro?
据IT之家了解,PS5 Pro 配备了 8 核 Zen 2 CPU 和 16.7 TFLOP 的 RDNA 架构 GPU,拥有 576 GB/s 的内存带宽。标准版 PS5 配备相同的 CPU,但 GPU 性能明显较弱,为 10.28 TFLOP 的 ...
在经历了漫长而充满期待的等待之后,PlayStation 5 ...
Sony’s PlayStation 30th Anniversary Collection arrived on Nov. 21. Only 12,300 units of the PlayStation 5 Pro Console – 30th ...
The Sony PlayStation 5 Pro is undeniably more powerful than the standard edition, but it costs significantly more and you'll only notice a difference with specific games optimized for it.
The first thing you'll see in the massive box is the PS5 Pro console itself. It has the same two-tone light and dark gray ...
索尼PlayStation5Pro30周年纪念版特别套装正式发售,这款纪念版主机和外围设备均采用复古设计元素和配色方案。作为限量版收藏品,每台都刻有序列号,并全球限量12300台,以庆祝第一代PlayStation的发布日期(12月3日 ...
在视频游戏行业,伴随着新一代主机的发布,玩家们期待着更强的性能和更丰富的游戏体验。近日,Digital Foundry的一项分析引发了关于PlayStation 5 Pro的热议。据该机构专家讨论,PS5 Pro的性能提升幅度可能在30%到35%之间,远低于索尼声称的45%。这一推测引发了业界的广泛关注,尤其是在高分辨率游戏的性能表现方面。
It’s not too late for the major console makers to make a handheld, but reports note a PlayStation handheld may still be years ...
Miles Morales, Control and Demon's Souls, I have just one question for Sony: Why wasn't this on the PlayStation Portal when ...
While some gamers will pick up a PlayStation 5 Pro for the first time, many others will be adding Sony’s newest system to an ...
But the PlayStation Portal won’t stream any PS4 or PS3 games, nor any PS5 game you bought from the PlayStation Store.