Players may be discouraged that Minecraft has shifted to smaller and more frequent updates, but this new model could benefit ...
Players can craft a bundle in Minecraft using the following things: Leather is easy to get by hunting different animals in ...
Minecraft is one of the most played video games in the world, but exactly how many people play Minecraft and what's the player count?
The mental health crisis among children and adolescents is one of the most urgent challenges the United States is facing ...
就在今日致力于制作沙盒游戏的公司Mojang Studios正式宣布将会与默林娱乐共同打造《我的世界》主题沉浸式互动娱乐园区,对于热爱MC的玩家来说有福了。
全球游戏现象级作品《Minecraft》即将以全新面貌亮相现实世界。通过与英国总部的梅林娱乐集团达成合作协议,《Minecraft》将推出主题游乐设施、酒店房间和零售店,首批将在英国和美国落地。 梅林娱乐集团是欧洲最大、全球排名仅次于迪士尼的主题公园运营商,旗下拥有包括奥尔顿塔、乐高乐园、海洋生物馆、杜莎夫人蜡像馆及伦敦眼等在内的135多个景点,分布于23个国家。