To fix various driver issues on your PC, you will need a dedicated tool to find the freshest and the original drivers. You can use PC HelpSoft Driver Updater to do it in 3 easy steps: Keyboard issues ...
I love electronic music and I'm perpetually fascinated by the tools we use to make it. When I'm not behind my laptop keyboard, you'll probably find me behind a MIDI keyboard, carefully crafting the ...
This program allows to map MIDI-keys to keyboard keys, i.e one's pressing a key on MIDI-keyboard triggers mapped keypress on a PC-keyboard. I've essentially written this tool for OSU!Mania, since it ...
Uncommon/proprietary switches. Lacks aftermarket customization. You need to move a slider to wake the keyboard from idle. The K2 HE keyboard is available in both a standard and Special Edition ...
In a time when more people spend more time in front of a computer than ever before, it's no wonder that the mechanical keyboard market has started to boom. While the slim scissor switch keyboards ...
I review some of the best gaming keyboards money can buy for a living ... even if it has not fully ''reset''. In practice, this allows you to input keys in quicker succession, whether you are ...