We’re almost at the end of the current calendar year and Mercedes-Benz has already announced its first launch for the new ...
The MB.EA Large platform was one of two MB.EA platforms ... That said, the successors of the current EQS and EQE EVs, including sedans and SUVs, are still very much on the table, albeit on ...
The rumor that work on MB.EA had been stopped was denied by Mercedes-Benz CEO Ola Källenius. He admitted that Mercedes even though the EQS was refreshed this year, Mercedes intends to update it ...
兄弟们,奔驰GLC要出纯电版了。 据外媒爆料,他们拍到了一组奔驰GLC EV的路试谍照,这辆车大概率会在2026年正式上市。 目前这辆车还采用了比较厚的谍照涂装,但是我们隐约可以看见他会采用一个全封闭的前格栅,中间镂空的部分或许是和EQE ...
Styling echoes the EQE and EQS SUVs, but it appears the GLC EV will ... recently confirmed it will arrive in 2026 and ride on the MB.EA platform. Little is known about it, but the architecture ...