Intel scrapped $500 million Gaudi chip sales forecast for 2024 CEO attributes slower uptake to software, chip transition Analysts question Intel's AI strategy, competitive position Nov 1 (Reuters ...
Separate downloads are available for the User Guides and other features. This software may also apply to Intel Ethernet controllers. Support for built-in network connections is provided by the ...
Before using the Intel Data Migration Software, please review the Intel Data Migration Software User Guide for procedures and system requirements. Intel Data Migration Software requires at least ...
Intel said it has formed an independent company focused on selling enterprise generative AI software it developed in house with an emphasis on security, speed and cost-efficiency. The company ...
Intel says it will now be unable to meet its goal of $500 million in Gaudi 3 sales due to software issues. Meanwhile, AMD plans to rake in $3 billion from its AI GPUs, and while Nvidia doesn't ...
Pat Gelsinger’s eight-year stint leading VMware cemented his mantra that ‘the future is software.’ Now that he’s in the CEO seat at Intel, he’s determined to team with its large ...