[3] Kleppang, A. L., & Hagquist, C. (2016). The psychometric properties of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-10: a Rasch analysis ...
From November 29th to December 1st, the 21st Guangzhou-Hong Kong-Macao Cantonese Opera Day took place at the Cantonese Opera ...
One twin is a gun smuggler, the other an aerobics tutor. Separated at birth, they share only the desire for revenge on the ...
天眼查App显示,近日,无锡哈智网络科技有限公司成立,法定代表人为吴传凡,注册资本3000万美元,经营范围含机械设备租赁、共享自行车服务、物联网技术研发、信息系统集成服务、互联网销售、票务代理服务、充电桩销售等,由哈啰出行旗下Hong Kong ...
喜欢都市历险的你,则不能错过12月7至8日在香港举行的“Pokémon GO City Safari”。在一连两日的活动中,玩家可一面探索充满活力的城市地标和小众好去处,一面捕捉各式各样的宝可梦,途中更有机会遇上罕见的期间限定主题宝可梦。 为配合活动 ...