"Elf" premiered in 2003 and has since become a classic holiday movie. It follows Buddy (Will Ferrell), who was raised among elves in the North Pole. After years of feeling like he didn't quite fit ...
At first, coming up with creative Elf on the Shelf ideas is a fun challenge, but as the month of December goes on (and your holiday to-do list looms overhead), it starts to feel a little more like ...
Stack the deck so the elves actually win. This elf’s benching marshmallow barbells. Rumor has it, he's prepping for Santa’s sleigh-pulling cross-training team. Set the Stage: Use toothpicks and ...
Watch on DVD or Blu-ray starting November 16th, 2004 - Buy Elf DVD ...
Editor’s note: This story may contain spoilers for prying little eyes! The magical Elf on the Shelf watches over kids and lets them know Christmas is coming — which means parents make a mad ...
Before you can start delivering the presents to the Elves, you must start the quest by visiting the lost Elf. This Elf is located behind the Santa’s workshop. Once there, go down the snowy mountain, ...
Elves are super silly. So take a pink balloon, inflate it, and attach it to your elf’s mouth. Then spread some crumpled empty bubble gum wrappers around your elf along with a stick of gum and ...