Dragon Ball is a cultural phenomenon created by Akira Toriyama that began with the original manga series published in Shueisha’s “Weekly Shōnen Jump” from 1984 to 1995. The story follows ...
Fusing Krillin with other human characters like Tien could make humans relevant again in the Dragon Ball series. One of the best and most beloved aspects of the Dragon Ball franchise is fusion ...
For more, check out how to watch Dragon Ball in order and our guide to the rest ... Europe and the Middle East), can stream the new Dragon Ball series on Netflix now, but they remain one episode ...
However, Toriyama never really intended to give Goku an alien heritage back in the days of the original Dragon Ball series. Bardock's concept and appearance came long after Goku, and the only ...
The Dragon Ball Radar in ALS doesn’t works quite the same way the iconic device does in the Dragon Ball series. Rather than beep as you close in on a Dragon Ball, it simply pings to let you know when ...
Dragon Ball Daima has been introduced Dragon Ball fans through a whole new side of the franchise in celebration of its 40th anniversary, and the new anime is really putting the work into making Super ...