"New Kid" by Jerry Craft is a humorous illustrated middle grade novel, yet it tackles some important topics for 10-year-olds. The book follows a seventh-grader in a new prestigious private school ...
Browse the best gifts for 8-year-olds this Christmas and holiday season. We found ideas for every interest from tech to music ...
The best toys for 6-year-olds get kids off the couch, crafting, creating and engrossed in pretend play or fun games with siblings and parents. Open-ended toys that grow with them are always smart ...
The best gifts for 9-year-olds appeal to kids who have one foot still planted in childhood, but are moving closer to the teenage years. Nine-year-olds appreciate gifts and toys that are ...
MULTIPLE GAME MODES: This electronic cube game offers a variety of game modes, including memory games(remember me & follow me), speed games(catch me & chase me ...
A 10-year-old boy and his grandfather have joined forces to set up a luxury woodwork business. Alfie and Roy set up the Wally ...
The Tiverton Friends Group has held its last craft fair at Blundell’s School, marking the end of a ten-year tradition dedicated to supporting Children's Hospice South West. Speaking at the final ...
For the second year in a row, Spartan Manufacturing students from Superior High School are offering custom-made ornaments.
Buckley recommended games, crafts, pop culture gifts, fidgets, and video games for tweens. Before buying a gift, find out what brands, franchises, and video games the 12-year-old on your list is into.
Pull out a block without crashing the stack to win at Jenga Includes 54 Jenga hardwood blocks, stacking sleeve with instructions Simple, solid, and timeless It takes skill, strategy, and luck ...
The year ends in Pittsburgh with a stellar lineup of December events from a LEGO convention to Santa skates and fresh-air hikes.