(原标题:2024 Understanding China Conference丨Wang Wen: We may witness tech hegemony in the era of AI) ...
美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)本周打出了他在美中“芯片战”中的可能的最后一拳。观察人士说,华盛顿最新一轮的芯片技术出口管制限制直逼中国人工智能发展的又一个薄弱环节。下一届总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)可能会以更强硬的方式扩大华盛顿对中国的战略技术封锁。
"Over the last decades, China has undoubtedly been the engine of economic progress worldwide." Yves Leterme, the Former Prime ...
咸阳高新区坚持“以产促城、以城兴产、产城融合”。河堤路改造拓宽等重要专项规划取得阶段性成果。建成西环路、西华路、星火大道(高科六路-西侯路)等重点道路11条21.8公里,咸兴大道南半幅已建成通车,高科五路、纬四路、星光大道改造等项目加快推进,新增城市 ...
Despite how technologically advanced China is and continuously grows, they're also so culturally attuned with their traditions, with their customs, noted Alexandra Pitcher, Miss Nauru 2022, during the ...
From December 2 to 4, the 2024 Understanding China Conference is held at Guangzhou.
BEIJING, Dec 4 (China Economic Net) - A report titled "20 Case Examples for 20 Years: Private Sector's Sustainable Development in China" was released on Nov. 30 in the office building of the United Na ...
In June 2018, XPENG and Desay SV officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Guangzhou. Their collaboration on the ...
China successfully sent a new experimental satellite for communication technology into space from the Xichang Satellite ...
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to South America was crowned with great success. In Peru, he inaugurated the Port ...
Under the theme "Connecting the World for a Shared Future," the five-day expo yielded more than 210 trade deals and tentative ...