BMW has sold over three million 1 Series models since it launched over 20 years ago, but rather than gradually evolving the car during that time, the firm has reworked the drivetrain and the looks ...
原标题:G30连霍高速公路什川互通连接线白银黄河特大桥全线贯通 11月23日,由中国铁建投资集团总承包、中铁十八局承建的G30连霍高速公路什川互通连接线的重难点控制性工程——白银黄河特大桥预制箱梁全部架设完成,标志着大桥全线贯通,桥面铺 ...
On the face of it, the previous-generation (designated G30) 5-Series would seem to have ... d think we might recommend it as highly as the BMW. Indeed, it’s a delight on the road, with a smooth ...
The 530e iPerformance is the first plug-in hybrid 5-series. BMW intends for it to bridge the gap between the regular 5 Series and its forward-looking i brand. The company is targeting 100,000 ...