Save $300 and turn your MacBook or Mac mini into a spectacular cinema-quality screen that also fast-charges your laptop.
PA27JCV 今天正式宣布上市,定价 799 美元(IT之家备注:当前约 5741 元人民币),相当于苹果 27 英寸 5K 显示器 Studio Display 的一半。 这款显示屏 ...
Apple’s website explains the interesting technical features that allow the iMac to have a 5K display, including a custom timing controller, Oxide TFT and highly efficient LEDs. Because there are ...
【ITBEAR】华硕于台北电脑展盛大推出两款全新ProArt设计师显示器,型号PA27JCV与PA32QCV,以卓越的5K和6K超高清分辨率,向市场领军者苹果Studio Display和 ...
2024年11月7日,华硕在台北电脑展上推出了其最新的ProArt系列专业设计师显示器,其中27英寸的PA27JCV以799美元的价格正式进入市场,吸引了广大创意行业专业人士的关注。这款显示器不仅在功能和性能上直逼苹果的Studio Display,更是在价格上展现出其优势,成为未来设计工作站的重要选择。 PA27JCV的分辨率高达5120x2880,像素密度达到218ppi,提供了比传统4K显示 ...
Apple's Studio Display is a 27-inch 5K monitor released at the same time as Apple's Mac Studio. It runs an A13 processor to manage Center Stage and Spatial Audio systems, while supporting "Hey ...
The Asus ProArt Display 5K PA27JCV delivers excellent image quality and an ultra-crisp 5K image (with 218 pixels per inch) ...