Navi Mumbai International Airport's (NMIA) new runway was inaugurated with the landing of an Indian Air Force Airbus C-295 on October 11. The symbolic event was guided by both IAF and civilian ...
“Sometimes you walk in on a joke you weren’t supposed to hear, furthermore, I don’t know how to pack a pallet,” declared Anne Smirr, the sales manager at Fraport Cargo Services, on how it is being a ...
In 1974 Dieter Haltmayer founded Quick Cargo Service in Frankfurt am Main. His idea was to offer a door-to-door airfreight service, an innovation at the time. Today in addition to being one of the ...
As Jan Krems, President United Airlines Cargo approaches a decade atop the U.S. giant legacy combination airline, we spend a few minutes here with Jan prior to his appearance next week at The TIACA ...