Cut through the chaos of information overload with content specifically for cyber communications professionals. The Cyber Edge is SIGNAL Media’s home for the expanding world of cyber technologies. The ...
Bring AFCEA’s Professional Development Center courses to your site, saving the time, expense and frustration associated with travel. The cost per student is often dramatically lower, and the ability ...
The Emerging Leaders program offers professionals 40 years old and younger unparalleled professional growth and development opportunities. The AFCEA Emerging Leaders Program is a dynamic initiative ...
From left: Lt Gen Robert M. Shea, President and CEO of AFCEA International; Jeremy Martin, President, Young AFCEAN Advisory Council; TSgt Thomas Giddings, USAF; DeEtte Gray, Chair of the AFCEA ...
AFCEA is a professional association that connects people, ideas and solutions globally. We do that by developing networking and educational opportunities and providing them worldwide in an ethical ...
To encourage individual thought leaders to share their knowledge with the AFCEA audience, each year, SIGNAL produces The Cyber Edge Writing Award. Writers address a unique theme and the top three ...
STEM Major Scholarship ($2,500) Undergraduate Diversity Scholarship ($3,000) Cyber Security Scholarship ($5,000) Student Member Scholarship ($2,500) NOTE: There is one application form for all STEM ...
Frontier Technology Inc.’s Lavon Jordan Diversity and Inclusion Scholarships of $2,500 will be awarded to graduating high school seniors (Summer 2024) who will be attending an accredited four-year ...
Command Master Chief Jason “JR” Reynolds, USN, has been selected as command senior enlisted leader for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Springfield, Virginia.
Adversaries of the United States, especially Russia and China, are determined to undermine the post-Cold War international order. For the United States to be unprepared for not one but two nuclear ...