Representation theory of finite groups. McKay correspondence. Representation theory of the symmetric group. Basics of Lie groups and Lie algebras. Solvable and nilpotent Lie algebras. Universal ...
E.B.Vinberg: Representation of the symmetric groups, a very short summary for SpringerLink. Notice interesting comments that follow the summary. A.Vershik, A.Okounkov, A New Approach to the ...
Professor A.J. de Jong, Columbia university, Department of Mathematics. One might say: an explanation serves to remove or to avert a misunderstanding---one, that is, that would occur but for the ...
I.N. Bernstein, I.M. Gelfand, and S.I. Gelfand: Schubert cells and the cohomology of the spaces G/P, Uspehi Mat. Nauk 28 (no. 3): 3 (in Russian); Russian Math. Surveys 28:1 (in English); English ...
If a post-truth field of science is going to keep going, it needs to convince funders and the public that progress is being made, so there’s a continual need for people uninterested in truth and ...
website creator Please note that is just a sample syllabus, actual syllabi for the various sections of the course will likely be different each semester. Different instructors may choose somewhat ...