The Redmi K80 Pro starts at 3699 yuan ($507) for the 12GB + 256GB variant, with higher configurations reaching up to 4999 ...
Discover the features and specifications of Xiaomi's latest release, the Redmi K80 Pro smartphone, in this in-depth article.
There's also a new logo. Redmi is 11 years old now, and to celebrate that milestone it has introduced a new logo, which is ...
REDMI总经理王腾在社交媒体上发文表示,REDMI K80在多场友商发布会上成为了对比的标杆产品,他对此表示感谢,并称K80凭实力当红不让。小米集团总裁卢伟冰也对此发表评论,指出不断得到友商的致敬就是引领。REDMI K80 ...
The phone is coming with a huge 6,000 mAh battery. Redmi will launch the K80 Pro on November 27, and today, we learned more ...
REDMI K80 Pro的发布引发了广泛关注,作为K系列的新一代代表,K80 ...
Redmi recently unveiled its newest flagship smartphone, the K80 Pro. The K-series has carved a niche for itself by offering high-end specs at a competitive price point. This year’s K80 Pro ...
12月17日消息,REDMI总经理王腾近日在社交媒体上表示,最近多场友商发布会中,REDMI K80频频成为对比标杆,Reflecting对手们的敬意,K80凭借过硬实力当仁不让。小米集团的卢伟冰也指出,什么叫‘引领’?
在智能手机市场,REDMI K系列一直以高性价比著称。随着REDMI K80 Pro的发布,它不仅继承了这一传统,更在性能和设计上带来了新的突破。 #### 设计革新:颜值与手感的双重提升 REDMI K80 ...
The Redmi K80 series was launched in China, that includes two models: the Redmi K80 and Redmi K80 Pro. Both smartphones are ...
近日,有关REDMI即将发布的新机信息引起了广泛关注。尽管技术层面的挑战依然存在,但这款新机在续航方面的配置已经基本确定,将至少配备一块6500mAh的大容量电池,并支持高效的百瓦快充技术,为用户提供持久的使用体验。 关于这款新机的型号,目前市场上有两种主流猜测。一种认为它可能是REDMI K80 Ultra,而另一种则更倾向于REDMI Turbo 4 ...
12月13日,小米为 REDMI K80 Pro 推送了最新的小米澎湃OS ...