(爱云资讯消息) 据彭博社的马克·古尔曼 (Mark Gurman)称,苹果即将推出的自研5G基带将最终超越高通的基带。苹果多年来一直在开发自己的信号基带,但尽管在2019年收购了英特尔的基带部门,这一项目仍遭遇了技术问题和其他瓶颈。
It seems increasingly likely that Apple’s fourth-generation iPhone SE will feature the first 5G modem the company has built ...
The first Apple modem is rumored to come to the iPhone SE before appearing in the rumored iPhone “Slim” and entry-level iPads ...
The previous iPhone SE launched in April 2020, which was a very weird time for the world in general and for me in particular. My neighborhood in Queens was the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in ...