Learn more Pixar's newest animated feature, "Turning Red," explores the confusion of adolescence with a twist: its main character also happens to transform into a giant red panda. The movie ...
This might be the first major animated movie in which the topic of getting your first period is broached. Turning Red also has no qualms depicting its teenage girls' very teenage experiences ...
Turning Red, a whimsical coming-of-age drama from Disney and Pixar, follows Meilin Lee (voiced by Rosalie Chiang) as she grows up in Toronto, Canada in the early 2000s – a setting well ...
But Pixar’s latest movie is proving that isn’t something to demonise. Turning Red (streaming on Disney+ Friday) offers a refreshing take on a traditionally uncomfortable topic by telling the ...
"Nearly two million UK girls have missed a part day or full day of school ... I first saw the movie," she says, while Oh adds: "There are a lot of firsts with Turning Red, and I think all those ...