This stunning 34-inch Ultra WQHD screen has a resolution of 3,440 by 1,440, a curved display, and a 21:9 aspect ratio.
It's finally time. Everyone wants an OLED gaming monitor, and now that you can buy one for $500, it's time to pull the ...
If you mostly play games on PC and you’re in the market for a new monitor, there’s a glut of excellent OLED options with ...
随着电竞行业的不断发展,对显示器性能的需求也在急剧上升。最新消息显示,三星电子正在研发一款革命性的500Hz超高刷新率QD-OLED显示面板,预计将于2025年初与专业电竞市场见面。这一面板的分辨率为QHD(2560×1440),在图像呈现和响应速度上将为玩家带来前所未有的优势。当前,LG Display的W-OLED显示器已经达到了360Hz的刷新率,然而三星即将推出的500Hz ...
The problem with OLED display technology is that it's very hard to go back to almost any LCD display once you've tried it.
Samsung is eyeing to surpass LG that currently offers the fastest OLED panel which is capable of 480 Hz refresh rate.
目前,行业内的记录保持者是LG Display的W-OLED产品,其刷新率高达360Hz。三星即将推出的500Hz QD-OLED显示屏不仅将打破这一记录,还可能彻底改变电竞显示器的游戏规则。想象一下,以前玩游戏时可能遇到的撕裂、卡顿现象,未来有望将其抛诸脑后!这项技术进步也显示了三星在显示技术领域的深厚底蕴。
近期,三星电子正与多家顶级显示器制造商展开深入磋商,计划将革命性的500Hz超高刷新率技术融入27英寸QHD(2560×1440)分辨率的QD-OLED显示屏中。据业内人士透露,由于该面板尚处于研发至量产的过渡阶段,预计搭载此项技术的专业电竞显示器将 ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@老黄科技秀于12月02日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 双十一你们剁手了没?我今年双十一买了一个大件:微星MAG 271QPX QD-OLED ...
MSI's beasty 32-inch 4K 240Hz QD-OLED gaming monitor is 11% off during Black Friday sales, reducing its $899 list price down ...
If you want to grab a capable QD-OLED monitor for less, look no further than this serious reduction on the MSI MPG 321UP from ...