【CNMO科技消息】本周,显示行业权威分析机构Display Supply Chain Consultants(简称DSCC)的分析师罗斯·杨(Ross Young)发布预测,他认为苹果下一代Pro Display ...
Dell's 32-inch UltraSharp 6K monitor offers a cheaper alternative to Apple's Pro Display XDR, but while similar in size and resolution, they go after two very different markets. Here's how the ...
在本周的一篇博客文章中,Display Supply Chain Consultants 首席执行官 Ross Young 表示,他预计苹果下一代 Pro Display XDR 将采用与最新 MacBook Pro ...
it would remain the “affordable” alternative to a new Pro Display XDR (if they call it that). Apple is rumored to be launching a new redesigned Mac mini this week, which is offered as a base M ...