近期,科技界的目光被一则关于三星即将推出的新平板的消息所吸引。据知名科技媒体MySmartPrice的最新报道,三星Galaxy Tab S10 FE平板已经悄然现身BIS认证机构,预示着这款备受期待的产品正稳步走向市场,预计将在2025年的第二季度与全球消费者见面。 从认证信息中,我们可以窥见这款平板的一些硬件配置细节。据悉,三星Galaxy Tab ...
近期,市场传言三星Galaxy Tab S10 FE平板电脑已经悄然开始发货,这款备受瞩目的设备早些时候曾在BIS认证机构的数据库中现身,预示着其即将面向全球市场推出。据悉,该平板预计将在2025年第二季度正式亮相。 根据BIS认证信息的细节,Galaxy Tab S10 ...
A stone tablet carrying engravings of the Ten Commandments sold for $5 million at auction on Wednesday, Sotheby's announced.
A once-a-day tablet for advanced breast cancer will be rolled out on the NHS. More than 1,000 women will be eligible for the ...
Internal Qualcomm documents showed the chip firm estimated it could eventually save as much as $1.4 billion a year on ...