The 2023 Genesis Electrified G80 is based on an existing gasoline-powered car, unlike a vast majority of the new electric vehicles hitting the market—including Genesis’ own GV60—that ride on ...
The G80 is very quiet but due to a trace of wind noise on the highway, we would stop short of branding it as vault-like as its Audi and BMW competitors. Passengers won’t need to fight over whether to ...
近期,外媒HealertV披露了一张引人注目的谍照,预示着捷尼赛思品牌即将为其2025款G80纯电旗舰轿车增添一名新成员——黑化版Genesis G80 ...
IT之家 12 月 15 日消息,外媒 HealerTV 发布一张谍照,声称捷尼赛思将为旗下 2025 款 G80 纯电旗舰轿车推出黑化版(Genesis G80 Black),作为比较,今年 9 月海外推出的 2025 款捷尼赛思 G80 起售价为 ...
IT之家12月15日消息,外媒HealerTV日前披露了一组新鲜出炉的谍照,标志着捷尼赛思计划为其2025款G80纯电旗舰轿车推出令人期待的黑化版(Genesis G80 Black)。作为参考,已于今年9月在海外上市的2025款捷尼赛思G80,其起售价为66900美元(折合人民币约47.4万元)。
If you’re a successful person, you want to express your accomplishments and achievements to the world. You do so by the place ...
近日,外媒HealertV曝光了一张谍照,令人兴奋的是,捷尼赛思品牌将为2025款G80推出一款全新的黑化版车型——Genesis G80 Black。这款车的到来,不仅丰富了捷尼赛思的产品线,也为消费者提供了更多个性化的选择。回顾今年9月,捷尼赛思在国外发布的2025款G80,其起售价就达到了66900美元,约合人民币47.4万元。对于追求品质和个性的车主而言,这款黑化版可谓是个不错的选择。 新 ...