日产汽车近日宣布了一项令人振奋的计划,旨在通过电动化技术“重生”其经典车型——GT-R R32。据悉,这款纯电动版的GT-R R32跑车将于2025年1月10日至12日期间的东京车展上惊艳亮相,为车迷们带来一场视觉盛宴。 纯电动GT-R ...
12 月 14 日消息,日产汽车也加入了以电动化“复活”旗下经典老车的车企行列,当地时间 12 日,日产汽车公布了纯电动 GT-R R32 跑车的预告图 ...
IT之家 12 月 14 日消息,日产汽车也加入了以电动化“复活”旗下经典老车的车企行列,当地时间 12 日,日产汽车公布了纯电动 GT-R R32 跑车的预告图 ...
最新消息,日产汽车紧随潮流,宣布将电动化旗下的经典车型。在当地时间12日,日产公布了一张纯电动GT-R R32跑车的预告图,并宣布这款新车将在2025年1月10日至12日的东京车展上首次与公众见面。 这款纯电动GT-R ...
The new R32 EV has just been electrified. Launched in 1989, the Skyline GT-R R32 is arguably Nissan’s greatest ever race car. It won the Japanese Grand Touring Championship four years on the ...
So this is what déjà vu feels like. The blue and white livery. The absurdly wide tyres. The crazy camber and pugnacious stance. I’ve never stood next to this car in my life, yet it all looks ...
Most people will recognise the Calsonic GT-R from the Gran Turismo computer games, but it’s a legend in real life too. An R32-generation Nissan Skyline, but with its twin-turbo straight-six ...
On Thursday, Nissan announced its entire lineup slated for the show floor, including a modified R32 Skyline GT-R. Unlike most big-power R34s, however, this particular car is entirely powered by ...
The electrification of classic cars is nothing if not a conversation starter, so it was a surprise to see the confirmation last year of Nissan EV-converting an R32 GT-R not attracting more than 14 ...