Planetary scientists recently simulated an alternate version of our solar system: one with a super-Earth causing climate ...
It's commonly known that a day on Earth lasts for 24 hours, but the truth behind what determines the length of a day is actually a bit complicated.
Krotite is a cosmic relic, one of the oldest minerals in the Solar System, formed under fiery conditions in the early ...
A large planet has been spotted orbiting a dwarf star that is just 3 million years old, offering possible clues to how the ...
From the center of the solar system, rages a powerful wind. Sent by the Sun, this wind whips at speeds exceeding one million ...
The mini-moon 2024 PT5, which has been orbiting Earth for two months and is likely a chunk of the moon, will now drift away ...
Astronomers used the Two-meter Twin Telescope to catch a "see-you-soon" image of the departing asteroid 2024 PT5.
Over many millions of years, NASA suspects the young world could mature into either of the most common planets found in our ...
A small asteroid, dubbed Earth's temporary "mini moon," has been captivating scientists. This asteroid, 2024 PT5, is not ...
Earth has a temporary, tiny companion. While not quite a "mini moon," since it will never be captured by Earth's gravity, ...