COS x CHRIS PERANI 艺术家联名胶囊系列涵盖女装、男装及配饰,将于 2024 年 11 月登陆中国大陆地区,欢迎前往 COS 官网、COS 官方小程序及指定线下门店选购。
This circle has the centre at the origin and a radius of 1 unit. The point P can move around the circumference of the circle. At point P the \(x\)-coordinate is \(\cos{\theta}\) and the \(y ...
Given any expression of the form \(a\cos x + b\sin x\) it is better to rewrite it into one of the forms \(k\cos (x \pm \alpha )\) or \(k\sin (x \pm \alpha )\) before answering the question.