With less than a week to go before the Paris CS:GO Major starts, developer Valve has finally released the in-game stickers and Pick’Em challenge for the tournament. While Valve is no stranger to ...
PGL CS:GO Major Antwerp is to be held in the Belgium city in May with spectators expected for the playoffs. PGL has just announced that they will be running of the first CS:GO Major of 2022, with the ...
The win is the first Major title for Vitality, and will see them go down in history as the last-ever CS:GO world champions, as the game is set to be replaced by Counter-Strike 2 later this year.
We explore the past winners of previous CS:GO Majors as we approach Major Rio 2022. PGL Major Antwerp has recently concluded, marking the end of the18th edition of CS:GO Majors played. While one Major ...
《反恐精英2》2024年上海major的封闭预选赛已经开始,世界各地的职业选手入住官方提供的酒店,专注于训练和比赛。完美世界为这个中国首个major ...
近日,随着《反恐精英:全球攻势》(CS:GO)上海Major大赛的进行,一项看似平常的赛事规则变更却在电竞圈引起了轩然大波。在这场首度在中国举办的Major赛事中,V社突然宣布改变规则,导致多支战队的比赛成绩被推翻,这一骚操作引来了广大玩家和战队的强 ...
对于超级热门的《CS:GO》,V社承诺在未来会更好地倾听玩家声音,并在规则的制定和调整过程中加强透明度。这不仅涵盖了职业赛事的改进,也反映出了对于社区文化的关注与重视。玩家之间的紧密联系、团队的默契配合,无不构成了游戏生态中不可或缺的部分。而注重玩家 ...
With each Counter-Strike Major, players have the chance to select their own Pick’Ems and earn prestigious awards if they’re ...
11月28日,HLTV将于明年1月11日在贝尔格莱德举办的年度颁奖典礼上,公布首批入选名人堂(Hall of Fame)的四名传奇选手。为此,HLTV在今日公布了一份12人的提名候选人名单。 Raphael "⁠cogu⁠" Camargo(巴西) ...
早些时候从上海Major RMR赛出局的《CS:GO》传奇选手S1mple,在今晚与另一位前职业狙击手Kennys在抖音平台展开了直播互动。根据直播预告,这两位电竞传奇将共同“收徒”,直播时间定于今晚18:00。