Refracting telescopes dominated the nineteenth century ... Another application of photonic devices in astronomical interferometry is modal filtering for nulling interferometry, which can be ...
The original instrument to occupy the 25-foot diameter dome was the 10.5-inch Bausch refracting telescope (f/15.5) installed in the brand new observatory in 1953. Bausch & Lomb Company gave the ...
Building a better refractor The spyglass-turned-telescope ... Six to eight feet—that was the length of a good astronomical telescope in 1645. Five years later it was 10 to 15 feet.
9.53 inch Clark Refractor The main telescope is the original 9.53 inch refractor ... which measures the zenith angle of astronomical objects. The meridian transit telescope, working with a chronograph ...
Whilst predominantly dedicated to radio astronomy they also support ... and some final stargazing through its historic telescope, the oldest refracting lens telescope in the Southern Hemisphere.