从技术方面来看,2024款iMac搭载了最新的Apple Silicon处理器,提供强大的性能与高效的能耗管理,显示在日常使用和专业应用中的优越性。此款iMac的 ...
新款M4 Mac mini自推出以来就凭借其卓越的设计和性能受到广泛赞誉。而iMac G4,作为苹果历史上的一款标志性产品,以其独树一帜的外观和前瞻性的设计赢得了众多粉丝的喜爱。Action Retro此次的改造行动,正是基于这两款产品的深厚底蕴。
10月,苹果冷不丁更新了 Mac 系列产品,包括 iMac、MacBook Pro 以及 Mac ... 2020 年,苹果公布为期两年的 Apple Silicon 迁移计划,即将所有 Intel 平台上的 ...
此前,入门级Apple Silicon Mac,如MacBook Air、入门级MacBook Pro和老款iMac,大多仅支持一台外接显示器。而新款10核M4芯片的iMac,无需借助任何特殊手段 ...
Apple has officially unveiled its first Apple Silicon iMac. The new 24-inch iMac features an all-new design that comes in seven different colors, as well as the M1 processor inside. Here’s ...
在科技日新月异的今天,经典与创新的结合不断引发热议。近日,YouTube频道ActionRetro推出了一项革命性的改造项目,将22年前的iMac G4进行创新升级,内置了2024款M4 Mac mini的强大硬件。这一举动不仅重新诠释了苹果产品的设计美学,也让我们体验到科技与艺术交织的魅力。
The 24-inch iMac is a testament to the power and efficiency of Apple Silicon. It is a colorful all-in-one desktop solution that's incredibly thin. Apple updated the machine with an M4 processor in ...
总而言之,22年前的iMac G4通过与2024款M4 Mac mini的结合,重申了科技与设计的结合所带来的无限可能。这不仅是一段怀旧的旅程,也是对未来智能设备如何与用户需求和技术进步紧密结合的一次深刻思考。对于技术爱好者、设计师以及普通消费者来说,这种敢于探索的精神值得所有人铭记,并且不仅仅是对设备的再利用,更是对创意和个性表达的一次大胆尝试。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
Apple's latest iMac may not reinvent the wheel, but it's a worthy upgrade to an already excellent all-in-one computer.
Apple has brought its M4 chip to the iMac, making it the first Mac to get Apple’s latest silicon chip. The update also brings new colors and a significant performance improvement for the all-in ...
Apple’s iMac is still the most stunning computer that is going to grace your desk, with the M4 chip giving it a boost in ...
Mac is the rock of Apple’s desktop line. Over the past decade we’ve seen the iMac Pro come and go, Apple struggling to crack ...