苹果作为智能手机行业的巨头,长久以来一直未涉足折叠屏领域,这让不少科技爱好者感到好奇。然而,最新的消息显示,苹果似乎正悄悄研发其首款折叠屏手机,暂命名为iPhone Flip。外媒近期对这款未来产品进行了七大亮点的预测,让我们一同来探索。
【CNMO科技消息】苹果几乎是主流手机厂商中唯一没有进军折叠屏领域的一家。不过,苹果并非没有相关计划,有消息称,苹果的折叠屏手机正在开发中。据CNMO了解,外媒在近期预测了苹果折叠屏手机(暂称iPhone Flip)的七大看点,一起来围观下。
An Apple foldable needs to pack the same triple camera setup from the Pro line, along with ProRaw imaging and ProRes video ...
【ITBEAR】苹果首款折叠屏手机iPhone Flip备受瞩目,其成功关键在于三大要素的精准把握:铰链设计、副屏功能及软件适配,这些因素将决定其在市场上的表现。 在设计方面,iPhone ...
According to Korean tipster Yeux1122 (via Jukanlosreve on X), the iPhone Flip is entering the "formal development process" ...
从设计角度来看,iPhone Flip的多个概念设计已经逐渐浮出水面。其中一种备受瞩目的设计方案采用了柔性显示屏,且在屏幕底部保留了一段非覆盖区域,这样的设计使用户可以轻松查看通知和其他上下文信息。另一个设计则结合了小型通知屏和相机矩阵,为日常使用带来了更多便捷。更有传闻称,iPhone Flip可能会运用自修复材料,提升设备的耐用性。这些创新设计的背后,正是苹果对卓越用户体验的持续追求。
Samsung, Google, Motorola, OnePlus, Xiaomi… almost every brand has a flip-style or book-style foldable on their books – or is about to, looking at Stuff’s list of upcoming smartphones. So when can we ...
Apple's first foldable iPhone is in the works, and I think the iPhone 17 Air will deliver key technologies for a foldable ...
Apple's potential entry into the foldable phone market with the iPhone 17 Flip is generating significant interest among ...
Foldable phones have become a significant trend in the smartphone industry, with brands like Samsung, Motorola, and Huawei ...
From unique design to camera flexibility, here’s why flip phones are a better alternative to Apple’s iPhones. Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6, Galaxy Z Flip 6, and iPhone 16 Pro series One of the ...
Samsung has taken aim at Apple in its latest ad, pointing out the lack of any foldable iPhone to complete with the Galaxy Z ...