近日,梅赛德斯-奔驰“传奇系列”(Mythos series)首款量产车型——超级跑车梅赛德斯-AMG PureSpeed,在F1赛事年度收官战——阿布扎比大奖赛上全球首发。“传奇系列”(Mythos ...
日前,梅赛德斯奔驰发布了一组全新AMG PureSpeed车型的官图,新车将限量发售250辆,并将运用大量F1赛车技术,值得期待。 AMG ...
Mercedes-AMG was previously tight-lipped on what would power the PureSpeed, but it's now confirmed to use the 4.0-litre ...
AMG G63 pays tribute to the Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR that Stirling Moss drove to victory at the 1955 Mille Miglia.
Just a few weeks have passed since the news Mercedes-AMG declared they were not going to enter the hypercar race to compete ...
Back in May, the radical Mercedes-AMG Mythos-series PureSpeed prototype was presented as an ode to Formula One racing based on the SL 63 roadster ...
is of huge credit to AMG. Comparing this car to the vastly more expensive SLR seems laughable, so I won’t. I do worry that the rigidity and unashamedly aggressive ride might not always translate ...
日前,AMG官方正式发布了旗下AMG SL63 PureSpeed车型的官图,新车限量250台,具体的价格还没有公布,Z由Mythos设计团队打造,从一台四座车型变成了两座车型,而且配备有F1同款的Halo防滚架。 从官图来看,新车的前脸造型要比原车凶狠不少,前舱盖上设计有多条隆起的筋线,有着比较强的肌肉感;大灯组采用了熏黑的三角形设计,内部集成有折线形的日行灯,风格显得比较锐利。 格栅部分采用的 ...