俄罗斯的苏霍伊新型发动机曾被寄予厚望,但由于零部件80%以上依赖进口,在当前制裁环境下完全丧失了生产和维护能力。反观中国,尽管仍存在对国外技术的依赖,但在发动机、航电系统和材料科学等关键领域已取得长足进展。尤其是中国在航空发动机研发上的快速突破,进一 ...
Wizz 同意将其根据原购买合约向 Airbus 购买及接收该等飞机(两架全新 Airbus A321 Neo 飞机)的权利转让予 DAIL,而 DAIL 同意承让有关权利。DAIL 与 Wizz 亦于 ...
Among the transatlantic A321neo business class seats I've seen, JetBlue is the most amenity-heavy with sliding doors and a ...
商报全媒体讯(椰网/海拔新闻记者 许文玉 通讯员 王建勇)11月30日7时2分,南航一架全新A321neo客机执行CZ6731航班从三亚凤凰国际机场顺利起飞,标志着又一架全新客机正式落户海南并投入商业运营。
But I would put it out there that we are likely to take two of the variants of the A321[neo] family for mission reasons.” Riyadh Air finalised its much trailed narrowbody order at the end of ...
Turbine jet-powered airplanes are the highest maintenance vehicles on the planes, so being cut off from the necessary ...