He recently posted a 45-minute video to his YouTube channel to provide us with an update on the GT3 RS project. It is a video that will either inspire you or terrify you. His skill and tenacity are ...
Customers could also option a matching watch and leather Exclusive Series luggage. The 991 generation 911 GT3 RS is a ...
Only a few official lap times have been listed by the Nürburgring after rules were changed (2019), these are the fastest ...
The Porsche 911 GT3 RS is already one of the most extreme street-legal cars on the market, a track-focused hellion that features part-carbon fiber suspension components and an unprecedented degree ...
911 GT3是保时捷911车系中极富竞速灵魂的车系,诞生初衷是为满足赛车 homologation(赛事认证)要求,并为车迷和专业赛车手提供一款可合法上路、同时具备近似赛车特性的高性能跑车。
在大家都以为Mustang GTD将会拳打保时捷911 GT3 RS、让GT2 RS狼狈的时候,GTD以6:57.685的圈速,成为最快六款量产跑车之一,并且也刷新了美系车的纽北圈速纪录,也成功加入纽北“6分俱乐部”。
Southeast Asia's largest Porsche gathering saw a record-breaking number of cars come together at Das Treffen 9 in Bangkok.
Ford Mustang GTD is officially the fastest American production car to lap the Nürburgring Nordschleife, dipping below the ...
保时捷911 GT3,这一传奇跑车的名号,始终与顶级表现、精致工艺和赛车基因密不可分。自1999年996代GT3问世以来,这款极富竞速灵魂的跑车不仅在公路行驶中展现出卓越的动力与操控,还成为了全球赛道竞速的佼佼者。911 GT3的诞生,不仅仅是对赛车赛事认证(homologation)要求的响应,更是对车迷和专业赛车手的热切回馈,提供了一款合法上路且拥有近似赛车特性的高性能跑车。