首先,让我们回顾一下iPad Magic Keyboard的基本信息。作为一款提升iPad使用体验的外设,Magic Keyboard组件的设计理念围绕着便捷性与高效性。其搭载的多点触控和背光键盘,使得用户在低光环境中也能轻松输入,提升了适用场合的广泛性。该键盘兼容iPad Pro(11 英寸和 12.9 英寸款式),无疑是专为一体化办公而设计的理想工具。
I received the Magic Keyboard for my 12.9” iPad Pro yesterday afternoon; fortunately, I was able to order one in the US English keyboard layout from the Italian Apple Store last week, and the keyboard ...
Spread the loveCollege students need versatile, powerful tablets that can handle a wide range of tasks, from taking notes in ...