Ram's first electric pickup truck has been postponed to 2026, while the Ramcharger plug-in hybrid (PHEV) will take center ...
As I reported earlier this week, Ram announced it is pushing back the launch of its Ram 1500 REV BEV and opting instead to ...
近日,Stellantis公司宣布将优先推出增程版Ramcharger皮卡,以满足市场对长续航皮卡的需求。该车型将搭载3.6升V6发动机与车载发电机,配合95千瓦时的电池组,续航里程可达690英里(约1110公里),为消费者提供了更远的行驶距离和更少 ...
12 月 19 日消息,Stellantis 周三宣布,由于半吨级纯电动皮卡的市场需求增长放缓, 将推迟纯电动 Ram 1500 REV 的上市时间至 2026 年 。该公司原计划于 2025 年上半年开始向客户交付这款电动皮卡。
By Leon Brittain In today’s truck news, Ram is pushing back the release of its all-electric 1500 REV until 2026 and promoting ...
盖世汽车讯 据外媒报道,Stellantis在12月18日表示,由于行业对半吨级纯电动皮卡的需求有所放缓,该公司将把纯电动Ram 1500 REV皮卡的推出时间推迟至2026年。据悉,该公司原计划于2025年上半年开始向客户销售这款电动皮卡。
Waning demand for electric trucks has Ram changing its plans, as the plug-in-hybrid pickup is now slated to go on sale first.
Stellantis公司近期做出了一项重要决定,关于其纯电动皮卡Ram 1500 ...
Stellantis said on Wednesday it would move up the launch of a new hybrid version of its best-selling Ram pickup truck ahead ...
Stellantis has expedited the introduction of its range-extended Ram 1500 Ramcharger, ahead of the originally planned 2025 ...
Stellantis announced it would delay the launch of its all-electric Ram pickup- the Ramcharger- previously slated for 2025 ...
与此同时,Stellantis 将把重心放在 Ram 1500 Ramcharger 上。这款增程版皮卡将电池与燃气发电机相结合,预计续航里程可达 690 英里(IT之家备注 ...