Devolver Digital’s Delayed Awards returns Wed.

Devolver Digital announced the delays of Baby Steps, Skate Story, and Stick It to the Stick Man in their own way, with a mock ...
Yet another promising video game release gets delayed to 2025, leaving PlayStation 5 fans waiting to experience the weird yet ...
Devolver Digital has delayed Baby Steps, Stick It To The Stickman and Skate Story. Most recently scheduled to be released ...
Devolver Digital has announced Baby Steps won't be releasing on PS5 until 2025, as part of its comical Delayed Awards ...
Devolver Digital,这家以特立独行闻名的独立游戏发行商,即将于明日凌晨揭开其标志性的“Devolver Delayed Awards”颁奖典礼的神秘面纱。这一年度盛事,不同于常规的表彰大会,它专门致敬那些敢于将游戏延期至下一财年,展现出 ...
News of Devolver Digital's Baby Steps PS5 delay was recently announced during a hilarious showcase featuring two more of the ...