Dan Morehead shared in an interview, while referring to when Pantera Capital Management bought Bitcoin, that people thought ...
比特币价格日前未能突破10万美元大关,最新在9.2万美元水平徘徊。最早一批投资比特币的一位美国专业投资者Dan Morehead直言,比特币离泡沫还远,预期可升至74万美元。 回报达132,118% Pantera Capital ...
Dan Morehead, founder of Pantera, predicts Bitcoin will reach $740,000 by April 2028 during Trump's presidential tenure.
最早投资比特币的一位美国专业投资者表示,加密货币始祖这种破纪录的行情可能才刚刚启动。 “2013年的时候大家简直都觉得我们是疯了,” Dan Morehead接受采访时谈到Pantera Capital ...
Dan Morehead, Pantera Capital Management founder and managing partner, joins 'Squawk Box' discuss the state of crypto, what ...
BlockBeats 消息,11 月 27 日,Pantera 创始人 Dan Morehead 预测,随着「支持区块链」的美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普重返白宫,比特币可能会飙升至 74 万美元。Morehead 表示,其专注于加密货币的 Pantera Bitcoin Fund 自 2013 年成立以来,已获得 131,165% ...
Digital assets-focused investment firm Pantera Capital is celebrating a massive four-figure return on its Bitcoin (BTC) fund, ...
Buying Bitcoin in 2013 was like buying gold in 1,000 BC, says Pantera Capital founder Dan Morehead. In a recent blog post, ...
Bitcoin has risen by 2% in the past 24 hours, after Pantera CEO Dan Morehead predicted that the crypto could reach $740,000 ...
Dan Morehead's Pantera Capital Management was one of the first funds to get into bitcoin (BTC) back in July 2013.
《彭博》报道,首间为美国投资者推出比特币基金的Pantera资本管理,其创办人Dan Morehead表示,比特币升势或只属开始,又指仍有大量人对比特币持负面看法,因此对比特币乐观,认为比特币与泡沫仍有很远距离。他预计比特币最终升至74万美元,又指特朗普及其政府的加密货币友好政策为币值上升的催化剂之一。
Bitcoin’s record-breaking rally may only be getting started, according to one of the earliest US professional investors in ...