COVID-19 vaccination significantly reduced anxiety and depression in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), ...
Two new high-profile studies add to the increasingly worrisome picture of how even mild cases of COVID-19 can have ...
A surge of stress-related drinking and alcohol-related deaths brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic in the US has not tapered ...
JACKSON, MI - Federal relief allowed the City of Jackson to complete several projects to improve infrastructure and public ...
President-elect Donald Trump said Tuesday evening that he has tapped Jay Bhattacharya, a prominent critic of COVID-19 ...
According to Yale, the study findings “have significant implications for public health policy and individual decision-making.” ...
The Government has released Phase One of the Covid inquiry - all 700 pages of it. Here are some key points:  There was an ...
据Think Global Health网站10月25日消息,COVID-19大流行凸显了建立一个强大的全球卫生安全机构的迫切需要,并揭示了当前系统的优缺点。美国陆军传染病医学研究所(USAMRIID)在该国生物防御响应中发挥了核心作用,证明了军事、公共卫生和私营部门合作的重要性。 美国陆军传染病医学研究所成立于1969年,长期以来一直处于生物防御研究的前沿。最初,美国陆军传染病医学研究所的研究重 ...
Brenda Campbell KC appealed to Northern Ireland's leaders "to commit to working with the ensure lasting change" ...
美国总统选举前两周开展的一份民意调查显示,自COVID-19疫情开始以来,美国对科学家的信任度首次出现上升,虽然上升幅度不大。这次调查由华盛顿的皮尤研究中心发布。调查对象中相信科学家会为公众谋取最大利益的比例从一年前的73%上升至当前的76%,但仍低 ...
Britain's Institute of Directors said on Sunday that optimism among its members had fallen to the lowest since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, following tax rises in finance minister Rachel Reeves ...
As COVID-19 is expected to surge this winter, communities across the Southwest face rising hospitalizations and new, ...